My birth was from a dense and hot singularity, I myself knew it was an abnormality, Then it burst into a fat belly, Which still expands unbelievably
All the stars and stellar are my children, I pray their destiny shall enlighten, Then came a solar system, There was biology for the first time in me, As I sent asteroids to venture around them
But black holes were the naughtiest, They’d never let the peace rest, Hungry they were all the time, And consumed the light and time just as a rhyme
Neutron stars were taught by black holes, They had a lot of gravity in their soles, A teaspoonful is heavier than Mt. Everest, No need to put it to test,
Everything was going fine just when I heard a smash, Andromeda and Milk Way had an unexpected clash, I consulted the two and made them together, That a day they were to tether
I enjoyed my belly grow up without food and veggie, But hydrogen was losing its place from the tree, All the stars died of misfortune, Black holes too died of hunger, And then there was nothing but dark,
I know I was losing my life tune, Still I have no words to mark, I’ve cherished the life even in death’s dark
— Saksham Bidani