Telescope Buying Guide – Choose the correct Telescope, What telescope to buy

A Guide to buying the correct Telescope
I know nothing with any certainty,
but the sight of stars makes me dream
– Vincent Van Gogh
The main difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes is that refractor uses lenses and a reflector uses mirrors to collect light and form images.
Refracting Telescopes
- Uses Lenses
- Perfect for observing close celestial objects like moon and planets.
- They can provide a crystal clear image.
- Low maintenance
- Ideal for astrophotography.
- It doesn’t suffer from thermal degradation.
Reflecting Telescopes
- Uses Mirrors
- It can have a big aperture for observing deep sky objects.
- No chromatic aberration problem because it’s using mirrors.
- Requires Maintenance
- It has good contrast and can capture a lot of light.

Refracting Telescopes
A refracting telescope is a type of optical telescope that uses a lens as its objective to form an image.

Reflecting Telescopes
A reflecting telescope is a telescope that uses a single or a combination of curved mirrors that reflect light and form an image.