
Can we ever reach the Edge of Space?

What does "the edge of space" mean to you? Before that, let me ask, what do you think when you…

4 years ago

Are there Aliens? Experts answers are amazing

There has been much speculation about the contents of a report released by the Pentagon's Unknown Atmospheric Phenomena Task Force.…

4 years ago

Space Jobs after graduation you need to know

Only space lovers can know the meaning and essence of the word infinity. After graduation, we are often stuck on…

4 years ago

Unacknowledged by Earthlings, the red planet welcomes the “dark lady of DNA”

“Science, for me, gives a partial explanation for life. In so far as it goes, it is based on fact,…

4 years ago

What if you were born in outer space?

Ever since the first astronaut went to space almost 62 years ago, over 600 people have blasted out of Earth’s…

4 years ago

Organic Salts on Mars

All the robotic spacecraft missions sent to Mars whether it be Perseverance, Curiosity (NASA), or Tianwen-1 (China) all have the…

4 years ago

Oldest water on Earth is probably linked to life on Mars?

“Sometimes what are you looking for is right under your nose and you don't even know it" - John Hall.…

4 years ago

Particles in space: The discovery of unidentified ones

What are particles? Scientists have been wondering about what life and its original components are for thousands of years. According…

4 years ago

Get out of my ‘Space’: Satellite Technology and the Race to Dominate Space

The Dreamers and Thinkers Humans have always viewed space with a sense of awe and have tried to explore what…

4 years ago

Solar Flares: Colossal Electromagnetic Explosions

There is absolutely no doubt that the universe is full of fascination. From Black Holes to the Dark Matter to…

4 years ago