describing universe one verse at a time
No matter how this year was, No matter what was the cause, It was a blessing in disguise, Events that…
Read They Twinkle At Night By Manreet Kaur. Twinkling souls shining bright, Appearing not just after the twilight,
In this age of online, we often forget the beauty of one line. In this age of high rise, we…
Whenever I look up in the sky, I am not at all shy, Up above in the sky there’s someone,
Wandering amidst the cosmos, a little stardust fell on earth. Guarded by three Angels at the time of birth! She…
With the Big Bang, happened the Universe’s birth, Then came the concept of time, space, and Earth. In the Universe…
My birth was from a dense and hot singularity, I myself knew it was an abnormality, Then it burst into…