
describing universe one verse at a time

Sayonara 2020

No matter how this year was, No matter what was the cause, It was a blessing in disguise, Events that…

4 years ago

They Twinkle At Night

Read They Twinkle At Night By Manreet Kaur. Twinkling souls shining bright, Appearing not just after the twilight,

5 years ago

The One Line

In this age of online, we often forget the beauty of one line. In this age of high rise, we…

5 years ago

Loyal Companion : Moon

Whenever I look up in the sky, I am not at all shy, Up above in the sky there’s someone,

5 years ago

A Stardust’s Tale

Wandering amidst the cosmos,  a little stardust fell on earth. Guarded by three Angels at the time of birth! She…

5 years ago

Walk in the Universe

With the Big Bang, happened the Universe’s birth, Then came the concept of time, space, and Earth. In the Universe…

5 years ago


My birth was from a dense and hot singularity, I myself knew it was an abnormality, Then it burst into…

5 years ago